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UPDATED START TIME for Parent "Starting a Social Media Conversation" Session

On Monday, June 10 students in grades 7-10 will take part in the "Starting a Social Media Conversation" program with guest speaker Jo Phillips.   Parents and guardians are encouraged to attend the corresponding evening session from NOW 5:00-6:30 PM 6:00 to 7:30 PM in our school library learning commons. 

"The Parent Session bridges the gap between parent understanding and kids' behaviour, and doing everything they can to start a positive social media conversation in homes. 

Participants will learn the scope of online activity of kids in grades 4 to 12, highlighting both the positives and negatives.  They'll learn better questions to ask, and come away with tools to lean into conversations about social media use.

Tips and guidelines will be provided so parents can make choices that will protect their kids while allowing them to enjoy the positive aspects of social media.

Since most kids have exposure to social media, whether through their own use or through the use of those around them, parents will be able to reinforce good choices at home and allow kids to feel more competent, supported, and confident in their social media use."

For more information about Jo Phillips and this program visit

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