Will your child be entering Grade 7, 10 or new to Paul Rowe in the fall?

Parents and guardians of students who will be new to Paul Rowe in the upcoming school year AND/OR are transitioning from grade nine to high school are invited to attend an open house and information session on Wednesday, May 22 beginning at 6:30 PM.
Is your child a Grade 6 students at Manning Elementary School?
Paul Rowe’s Student Mentorship Team recently visited the MES grade six class to introduce themselves and to answer questions the students had about our school.
Beginning in May, the grade 6 class will visit Paul Rowe three times:
- Wednesday, May 22 10:15-11:00 AM
- Thursday, June 6 10:15 to 11AM
- Friday, June 14 2:15 to 3:30 PM Note: Bus students will ride the school bus home from Paul Rowe this day.