Paul Rowe Moving to Digital Report Cards and Mailouts

At Paul Rowe, the switch to digital communication will begin November 4th, with the monthly parent mailout being sent by E-mail.
As is becoming common practice in the Peace River School Division, our school will be moving to digital report cards this year and will no longer be sending paper copies home with students. In keeping with the benefits of this, we will also be moving to emailing information documents that would traditionally be mailed home with the report card such as: the newsletter and other pamphlets or brochures. There are many benefits to this mode of communication including: efficiency and reducing our paper footprint. We will begin this mode of communication with our November mail out and report card.
To access your child’s report card, you will need to create an account in the PowerSchool Parent Portal by visiting
If you already have an active account with PowerSchool, you simply need to log in and choose “Report Cards” on the left-hand side of the screen.
If you need to create an account and do not have your child’s “Access ID and Access Password”, please contact the school before making an account.
It’s important to note that:
- report cards are not available until the portal is open to parents by the school once marks and comments are finalized. That being said, prior to the portal being closed to finalize report cards, you can view your student’s marks and attendance throughout the semester.
- you cannot access report cards through the PowerSchool mobile app.
- to receive the digital communication items via email, please ensure you have provided an email address with your child’s registration.
If accessing report cards and mailout information digitally presents challenges for your family, please contact the school to arrange for a traditional mail out package.